The following are guidelines for students and parents, detailing what is required of the students at The Indian Heritage School in terms of rules to be observed and behavior that is acceptable. This Code of Conduct is based upon self discipline, good behavior both in and out of class, smart appearance, punctuality and consideration for others and their property, politeness and good manners, honesty and tolerance.
A- School Uniform
The Indian Heritage School student is always dressed to a standard that upholds the ethos of the school. The School uniform symbolizes what it means to be a student at The Indian Heritage School and as such must be worn with pride.
A student should be neatly attired in the CORRECT SCHOOL UNIFORM. Any student found in INCORRECT UNIFORM will NOT be permitted to attend classes. Students are required to pay special attention to the combing of their hair, the shining of their shoes and the tucking in of their shirts. This applies when at School and when coming or going from School. A student must be considerate and polite at all times, including outside of School where, especially when in School uniform, every student is a representative of the School.
B. General Conduct
Proper conduct does not include:
Students in breach of the rule applying to mobile phones will have their telephone confiscated. On the first occasion, the mobile will be returned to the parent or guardian. On the second occasion, the mobile telephone will be not be returned to the parent or guardian before the last day of the School year or the last day of classes.
Students must carry the School Diary to assembly. Students are expected to be punctual, attentive, respectful, cooperative, quiet and properly attired in assembly.
Minus conduct marks may be given to a student if he/she violates any school rule. Plus conduct marks may be awarded to recognize the good performance of a student.
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