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School Rules:- (Code of Conduct)

The following are guidelines for students and parents, detailing what is required of the students at The Indian Heritage School in terms of rules to be observed and behavior that is acceptable. This Code of Conduct is based upon self discipline, good behavior both in and out of class, smart appearance, punctuality and consideration for others and their property, politeness and good manners, honesty and tolerance.

A- School Uniform

The Indian Heritage School student is always dressed to a standard that upholds the ethos of the school. The School uniform symbolizes what it means to be a student at The Indian Heritage School and as such must be worn with pride.

A student should be neatly attired in the CORRECT SCHOOL UNIFORM. Any student found in INCORRECT UNIFORM will NOT be permitted to attend classes. Students are required to pay special attention to the combing of their hair, the shining of their shoes and the tucking in of their shirts. This applies when at School and when coming or going from School. A student must be considerate and polite at all times, including outside of School where, especially when in School uniform, every student is a representative of the School.

B. General Conduct

Proper conduct does not include:

  • 01Smoking, drinking alcohol, taking any non-prescribed medicine or drug, gambling, stealing, using foul language, fighting or bullying.
  • 02Bringing any alcoholic beverage, non-prescribed medicine or drug to school.
  • 03Spitting, chewing gum or littering.
  • 04Damaging school property.
  • 05Being late, missing lessons or leaving the school grounds or wherever a school activity is being held, without permission.
  • 06Wearing dyed, wet-look, spiky, undercut or over-long hair.
  • 07Wearing coloured spectacles, jewellery, body ornaments or unapproved badges.
  • 08Bringing improper reading or audio-visual material or playing cards to school.
  • 09Bringing any electronic photographic or recording device to school.
  • 10Using a mobile phone in the school or during an organised school activity; to send or to receive calls, text messages or emails; to check messages or to take pictures or to play games or watching television.
  • 11Bringing laser pointers or lighters to school.
  • 12Bringing sharp implements to school, except those used in lessons.
  • 13Inviting outsiders to school without permission.
  • 14Leaving the school grounds or organised activity without permission.
  • 15Making the washrooms dirty or messy.

C. Examination, Assignments, Documents and Notices Students should not:

  • 01Cheat in any test or examination. (Cheating is a serious offence. A student caught cheating will be punished and given no marks for the entire subject. The offence will be entered on the offender’s record and parents will be notified).
  • 02Tamper with entries in any school report or class register.
  • 03Forge parents' or guardians’ signatures.
  • 04Damage or remove any notice.
  • 05Put up any notice or poster or use the name or badge of the school without permission.

D. In the Classroom
Students should not:

  • 01Bring any food or drink into any classroom or special room.
  • 02Write, draw or put any stickers or labels on walls, blackboards, graph boards, desks or chairs.
  • 03Leave behind or throw rubbish.
  • 04Shout or make noise in class or between classes.
  • 05Touch any switches or teaching aids unless instructed by the teacher.
  • 06Put belongings in areas around the windows or the tops of classroom lockers.
  • 07Leave any belongings inside the desk drawer after school.
  • 08Misbehave in the classroom.
  • 09Use or touch any IT equipment and electrical appliances without approval.
  • 10Deface the furniture and wall.

E. Outside the Classroom
Students should not:

  • 01Throw any object from a height that is likely to cause injury.
  • 02Run along the corridors or up and down stairs.
  • 03Wear non-sports training shoes in the Gymnasium.
  • 04Play any games in the Front Quadrangle.
  • 05Climb walls or fences.
  • 06Tamper with flowers, trees or janitors' tools.
  • 07Play with or waste water.

F. Confiscated items

Students in breach of the rule applying to mobile phones will have their telephone confiscated. On the first occasion, the mobile will be returned to the parent or guardian. On the second occasion, the mobile telephone will be not be returned to the parent or guardian before the last day of the School year or the last day of classes.

G. Manners in Assembly

Students must carry the School Diary to assembly. Students are expected to be punctual, attentive, respectful, cooperative, quiet and properly attired in assembly.

H. Lost Property

  • 01Any lost item found by a student should be given to the School Office immediately. Plus conduct mark(s) may be awarded to the student.
  • 02A student who has lost his property should fill in the log book provided in the School Office as soon as possible. Any student claiming an item must sign the log book.
  • 03All unclaimed items will be displayed at the end of each Term. These may subsequently be disposed of at the discretion of the school.

I. Penalty System
Conduct Mark:

Minus conduct marks may be given to a student if he/she violates any school rule. Plus conduct marks may be awarded to recognize the good performance of a student.